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Class Help 101: Strategies for Getting the Assistance You Need

Getting the Assistance You Need

Everybody is a student learning something new every day from different individuals and different situations that we come across in our daily lives. So; there is not nobody in today’s world who knows everything. This is why everyone must find a need to continue learning. However; when it comes to educating students in educational institutes; they are willing to take Finance Dissertation Writing Service or other forms of writing assistance from online platforms but hesitate to ask questions from their teachers.

When a student has a query; he can ask a question, take online class help, or just let it be. However; the best way is to ask the question instantly because in this way students will be able to understand the rest of the lecture better. This post is intended to help those students who hesitate to ask questions plus it will suggest strategies that will motivate the students to ask questions.

Strategies for getting the assistance you need in the classroom:

In this age of competition, students face many challenges in their academics which sometimes create barriers on their way to success (bestassignmentwriter, 20222). But the good thing about today’s time is that you can find the best classroom support services within no time. The following are some of the best strategies that can help the students ask questions or give them the boost to ask questions without hesitancy:

  • Strengthen your meta-cognitive skills:

The first thing taught in academic tutoring resources is to strengthen your meta-cognitive skills or self-reflective ability. One can improve his met-cognitive skills by;

  • Getting to know his learning style.
  • Finding deeper meanings in reading materials. 
  • Connecting tasks with larger goals.
  • Writing organized plans before starting tasks.
  • Make sure you have the right environment to learn.
  • Creating a self-evaluation document.
  • There is no dumb question:

Students often hesitate to ask questions thinking that it would sound so dumb but remember that it is only in your mind because no teacher considers any question dumber. Besides; you will be doing a favor for the class as well and many other students who probably were thinking of asking the same question but were hesitating. 

  • Teachers are there to help:

Understand one thing teachers are always there to help as long as you are not attempting your exam paper.  Teachers appreciate the students who ask questions regarding lectures because this broadens the understanding of not only the student asking the question but the whole class. Moreover; it indicates that the student is listening to the lecture attentively. 

  • Believe in yourself:

The only way to encourage yourself to ask a question is by believing in yourself. You need to work on your confidence and need to understand that the reason you are in the classroom is to study and your question is going to add to your knowledge so there is no reason to hesitate. 

  • Be specific with your questions:

Asking questions is good but blabbering while asking questions is not. This is why brainstorm your mind about actually what you want to ask.  The even better way is to write down the question and then ask it. In this way; you will be more specific and will get a clear answer from the teacher as well plus you will sound smart so why not? 

  • Practice asking for guidance or feedback:

It is not that easy asking questions and practicing asking questions. So; if you want to take the easier route then ask for feedback for your academic projects or points of view regarding your opinion on a certain topic. When you take feedback and present your opinion, it kind of gives you the confidence to ask questions as well during a healthy argument. 

  • Take notes:

Some teachers don’t like being interrupted while the lecture is going on. If that is the case, write down the points that you are curious about and ask the teacher at the end of the lecture which he or she will happily answer. In this way; you won’t forget what you wanted to ask.

  • Work on your communication skills:

Conversation is a fundamental human experience that is necessary to pursue intrapersonal and interpersonal goals across myriad contexts, relationships, and modes of communication (Huang et al, 2017). Once you have strong communication skills, you won’t feel hesitant to ask questions anymore. The following points will help in building communication skills:

  • Listen carefully.
  • Who you are talking to matters. 
  • Body language matters.
  • Be brief yet specific.
  • Write things down. 
  • Think before you speak.

Benefits of asking questions in the classroom:

Questions are not just a tool for assessing students’ knowledge. Questions that are appropriately difficult, interesting, and effective inspire peer debate and motivate students to go deeper into and improve their knowledge of fundamental ideas. The following benefits will help the readers get to know the importance of asking questions which will encourage them to ask questions in class without hesitation:

  • Asking questions reveals a student’s level of content or lecture comprehension.
  • When students ask questions then it shows that they are taking an interest in the lecture which must be encouraged.
  • Questions can highlight, restate, review, or summarize what is crucial.
  • It is the questions that reveal students’ thought processes and encourage conversation as well as creative plus critical thinking.
  • Questions assist students in remembering information by putting into words ideas that might not otherwise be expressed.


A classroom full of students and you being one student asking a question that might sound dumb to you sounds intimidating, right? However; it is extremely appreciated by the teacher when students ask a question about the lecture which shows his understanding plus engages more students in the conversation as well. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help the students in asking questions in classrooms without any hesitancy. 


bestassignmentwriter. (20222, April 15th). How Academic Help Providers Save the Students’ Future? .

Huang, K. Y. (2017, Sep 1st). It doesn’t hurt to ask: Question-asking increases liking. American Psychology Association.

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